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What is Sreenatha Yoga

     Check if you have Sreenatha Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator

     Sreenatha Yoga is one of the wealth yogas described in B. V. Raman's 300 Important Combination. If the lord of seventh house is exaltion in tenth house and if the lord of tenth house is with lord of ninth house then the yoga formed is known as Sreenatha Yoga. This yoga can only occur in Sagittarius Ascendant as it is the only ascendant where the lord of seventh house is exalted in tenth house.

     Sreenatha is a name for Lord Krishna. There is a Sreenathji Temple located close to Udaipur, Rajasthan which is famous among the business communities of Gujarat and Rajasthan. Shree means luxuries and wealth. Natha means lord. Shree+Natha means lord of luxuries and wealth.

Examples of Sreenatha Yoga
sreenatha yoga ni
sreenatha yoga si
Results of Sreenatha Yoga

     The native will have a symbol on his body resembling one of the four items in the hands of Lord Vishnu namely a sudarshan chakra, sankh, gada or kamal. He/She will be a good speaker, perform virtuous act which will make him/her revered by others as a God. He will have a good wife and children. He would be loved by all.

Considerations of Sreenatha Yoga

     As explained earlier this yoga only happens in Sagittarius Ascendant. Second condition requires lord of ninth house (Sun) to be with lord of tenth house. So in addition to Sreenatha Yoga this placement also guarantees a powerful Budh-Aditya Yoga if the angle between Mercury and Sun is less then twelve degrees.

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