Astro Isha

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     Twelfth house is the house of losses. Popularly known as vyaya bhava in vedic astrology. It is the house which gives grief, despair and losses to an individual. Losses are not just monetary but also emotional and physical. As one of the dushamsthanas it can literally put individuals through the motions and create depression and anxities of unparallel quantities. Twelfth house also rules over prisons, monasteries(ashrams), hospitals and mental institutions. On a better note it also rules research and doctarate programmes. The all important sex and bedroom pleasures are known through strength in twelfth house. But the most important of all is that the twelfth house provides moksha to an individual.

     No one likes matters of the twelfth house. Who would want to voluntarily go to prisons, hospitals or mental institutions? Who would like depression grief, despair and losses? Impact of twelfth house is huge and the tag of valley of despair is apt for matters of this house. But after careful observation and practical experience a hypothesis starts to develop that the twelfth house is perhaps the most misunderstood house in astrology.

     Twelfth house along with eight house are the transformation houses and they bring about great transformative change in life of an individual. There is higher knowledge and deeper meaning of life associated with the twelfth house. An individual gains an understanding of concepts which are outside the scope of what is already known. This is the reason why research and doctarate programmes are under the wings of the twelfth house as these are fields where knowledge is not yet present in this world.

     Many marriages break on complaints of lack of sexual satisfaction derived from partners. Twelfth house ascertains whether you would have a good sex life or not. Perhaps more importantly it guarantees that your marriage is not broken on account of non-existent physical relationship with your partner. Apart from Ketu all the planets in twelfth house are bad unless they form Vipreeta Raja Yoga. Especially bad placements are that of Saturn who ensures that individual losses all his hard-earned fortune once in his lifetime. Jupiter may produce death of loved ones or despair due to hardships if it doesn't cause any favorable yoga. Venus is not good in twelfth house either and may result in excessive or non-existent sex life depending on co-tenants and aspects. Worst if Sun+Venus occupies twelfth house than there are high chances of divorce. Mars located in twelfth house causes Mangal Dosha.

     Twelfth house on the positive side also rules dreams and imagination. All the successful fictional writers are blessed with distinctive and vivid imagination by blessings of the twelfth house. Not only that lecturers and researchers, ashrams and hospitals run by blessings of the twelfth house. Twelfth house has lots of negatives but there are some positives also. 

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