Astro Isha

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Judging Tsunami and Earthquakes

There will be a solar eclipse happening on 29th March 2025 and around seven planets including Neptune joining togther in Pisces on 30th March 2025. Furthermore all nine major planets in vedic astrology namely Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu will be influencing Virgo Sign. This increases possibility of a major catostrophe, riots or accident which can cause huge loss of lives. We would be more than happy to be proven wrong related to this prediction.

But as astrologers it is our duty is to warn of impending crisis or catostrophe. And like all subjects astrology is also a subject open to research, analysis and interpretation.

Earth Signs and Earthquake/Tsunamis

We analyzed the planetary configuration at time of major earth quakes and tsunami in past few decades. We found out that majority of the time there were heavy influences on earthy signs(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn). Below we are providing evidence for our hypothesis by listing planetary configuration at time of major earthquake or tsunami.

2015 Nepal Earthquake

There was a massive earthquake on 25th April 2015 in Nepal which resulted in death of around 9000 people and injured countless others. At the time of earthquake all the earthy signs(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) were occupied or aspected by Saturn or Rahu. Capricorn had aspect of Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu. Virgo had Rahu in it. While Taurus had Venus as well as aspect of Saturn+Rahu on it.

2011 Japan Tsunami

There was a massive earthquake and resultant tsunami on 11th March 2011 near coast of Japan which resulted in death of around 20,000 people and countless others went missing. At the time of tsunami Virgo had Saturn in it and aspect of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus on it. Taurus Sign had Moon and aspect of Mars on it. While Capricorn had Venus in it and was doing Paap Kartari Yoga with Rahu and Sun+Mars on either side.

2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

There was a massive earthquake and resultant tsunami on 26th December 2004 in Indian Ocean which resulted in death of around 227,000 people across 14 countries and countless other missing. At present it ranks as the biggest calamity of the twenty-first century. At the time of tsunami Capricorn Sign had Neptune and aspect of Saturn+Jupiter. While Virgo Sign had Jupiter in it and aspect of Saturn. Taurus Sign was worst afflicted with Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Pluto all aspecting it.

2001 Gujarat Earthquake

There was a massive earthquake in Bhuj district of Gujarat, India on 26th January 2001 which resulted in death of over 20,000 people. At the time of earthquake Taurus Sign had Saturn+Jupiter and aspect of Mars on it. Virgo Sign had aspect of Jupiter on it. Capricorn was the worst afflicted with Sun, Moon, Uranus and Neptune in it and aspect of Mars+Jupiter on it.

Possibility in March/April 2025

On 30th March 2025 there is a possibility of tsunami or earthquake. Time until 18th May 2025 does suggests possibility of earthquake or tsunami which may lead to considerable loss of lives. According to current planetary transits all earthy signs namely Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn will be afflicted. Taurus will have Jupiter+Uranus and aspect of Saturn. Virgo is worst afflicted with Ketu in it and aspect of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Neptune on it. That's a total of ten planets. Even Capricorn has Pluto and aspect of Jupiter+Mars which can suggests high chances of a tsunami or earthquake.

Possibility Not Certainty

This article is written on 22nd March 2025 and just shows probability of an earthquake or tsunami happening in next one or two month. We can be wrong in our assumptions and would be glad to be proven false. But as astrologers sometimes we need to stick our neck out and give a bold prediction. After careful study we are sharing our hypothesis which may or may not come true.

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