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About Purva Asadha

     Purva Asadha is the tweentieth nakshatra among the 27 Nakshtaras in vedic astrology. The diety for this nakshatra is Apas. The gana(trait) for Purva Asadha is manushya. The ruling planet for Purva Asadha is Venus and all the four padas are located in Sagittarius. The symbol is a hand fan. Purva Asadha is considered an auspicious nakshatra for female natives but not so great for male natives. Honesty is a trait which is best associated with this naksthatra.

Physical Features

     Natives have a lean and tall body with beautiful teeth, long ears and arms and narrow waist. Females have a beautiful face, attractive eyes and small lips. They have brown and curly hair and small feet. Female natives are known to put on weight in later years of life.

Character and General Events

     Purva Asadha natives are known for their honesty. They have a tendency to jump to conclusions inspite of being intelligent enough to know right from wrong. They have good argumentative and convincing skills. They maybe too adamant to accept fault. It is better if they do not to give out unnecessary advise to others. They are passive and calm and hate risks.

Education and Career

     They tend to derive benefits from total strangers. Generally male natives have less education as compared to females. Male natives are more suited for jobs and business is only advised if other favorable aspects are present in horoscope. Female natives have a positive character. They are likely to think over actions before implementing them. They are successful in occupations which allow them to utilize their natural abilities.

     Period upto 32 years is full of trials for both males and females. Period between 32 to 50 years suggests progress. Career as doctor or surgeon is highly recommended. Besides that they can work as antique collectors, in fine arts, as poets, as professors and lecturers among other professions.

Family Life

     Natives enjoy a healthy relationship with parents and siblings and also derive benefits from them. There are chances to settle abroad if the native desires. Though marriage is delayed, it maybe happy to a large extent. Children are talented and respectful. Children also increase the name and fame of the family.


     Natives may suffer from an incurable disease. Also there can be breathing troubles, bronchitis, etc. Thigh problems and lung disorders like rheumatism possible.


     Artistic, good looking, influential


     Stubborn, inflexible, egoistic.

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