Astro Isha

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     Ketu is a shadow planet like Rahu. While Rahu produces illusions, Ketu is given the task of breaking that illusion. Just like Saturn, Ketu brings an end to everything that cannot be sustained over a long period of time whether its marriages, riches, relationships or career. Only difference is Ketu inspires natives to renounce all they hold dear voluntarily while Saturn causes involuntary detachment. 

     First House is the house of self. First House defines physical features and mental characteristics of a person. Ketu in First House gives rise to anti-social behaviour. Such natives prefer to be alone or remain detached from those around. Ketu is known to make a person age faster than usual. Those with Ketu in First House show early signs of ageing like grey or bald hair as well as wrinkles on the skin. Ketu hates things like hair color or face uplift. Those who proudly display their grey's are likely to have influence of Ketu on the ascendant or moon. Women with Ketu in First House don't like excessive show-off and prefer a simple lifestyle. They normally dislike make-up and other beauty products. Mind of the native hates socialisation. They don't like cultural and social norms and generally protest when such norms are forced on them by others around. Ketu just cannot understand the need to follow age-old traditions. To others around they might sound weird and problematic which is why natives with Ketu in First House prefer solitary confinement and being an introvert. 

     When Ketu occupies First House, there is always Rahu in the Seventh House. So that means the marriage partner is the exact opposite of the native. Partners are fun-loving, vibrant, extrovert and love socialisation.  Marriage partner brings cheer and fun into the boring life of the individuals. Natives with Ketu in First House must understand that the marriage partners are the Yang(positive energy) to their Yin(negative energy). Marriage life has times when there can be differences. Ketu produces severe detachment in individuals and they must take care not to separate from partners over minor differences. The partner who may well be the exact opposite in terms of personality is there to bring balance in life of the individual. 

     Ketu in First House along with Moon is excellent as it allows emotional connect with others inspite of remaining detached on the inside. Shree Krishna had Ketu with Moon in ascendant. Ketu with Sun will bring anger and ego issues. Ketu along with Mars in First House produces Angaraka Yoga. Ketu's frustration is released from time to time as anger by Mars. Ketu along with Mercury in First House is ideal as the communicative Mercury adds logic and reasoning skills to Ketu's philosophy. But on the downside there can be problems of the skin and hair. Ketu along with Jupiter almost nullifies anger and anti-social behavior of Ketu. Native has the right amount of spirituality along with wisdom to move forward on the spiritual path. Native may suffer from weight issues though. Ketu along with Venus in First House may show many a failures in relationship and ultimately make a person detached from life. Ketu with Saturn produces Pitru Dosha and such natives generally have a tough life. They remain detached and unable to communicate their feelings effectively. 

     Ketu in First House is not the best placement for it. There can be lot of frustration, anger issues and fatigue. Natives are advised to regularly take multi-vitamins tablets and eat healthy food like salads, fruits and vegetables which stop ageing. They need to avoid toxic shampoos and beauty products on their body. Also they need to avoid eating over-spicy, extra salty and red meat which can increase anger and frustration in them. They must do yoga, meditation and walking regularly to improve their mood. Also consumption of milk products and banana can help deal with frustration and stress which builds easily in them. Prayers to the Lord Ganesha help deal with bad effects of Ketu as he is the lord of wisdom and impulses. 

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