Astro Isha

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     Second House is the house of savings, family and speech. Ketu hates everything associated with Second House. Ketu placed in Second House is a nightmare to deal with. This holds especially true if Second House has a fiery sign like Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. 

     Jupiter is the natural lord of Second House. Both Ketu and Jupiter are into spirituality and reaching higher conscious. But that is where the similarities end. Ketu is disoriented, disenchanted and dislikes keeping company. Jupiter is optimistic, caring and loves company of friends and family. Jupiter is the planet of well-being while Ketu is the planet of misery. Ketu isn't suited to handle the delicate portfolio's of Second House. Second House rules over family. Ketu loves solitary lifestyle and just cannot tolerate family members interfering in his choices. Second House also rules over savings. Ketu just doesn't understand the need to save money or multiply life savings. For Ketu money is nothing but pieces of worthless papers. Speech is direct and rude as Ketu just doesn't find the need to communicate via refined and humble speech. 

     There are positives to everything. When Ketu is in Second House, Rahu would be in Eight House. If Rahu is strong in Eight House than native would beget sudden, unexpected and handsome inheritance. There can be handsome alimony out of divorce and native could turn over-night rich. Generally speaking the negatives outweigh the positives. Ketu along with fiery planets like Sun and Mars means native is unable to save any money. Its necessary that such individuals look to save their money in stock markets, mutual funds, gold and other places. Ketu along with Moon in Second House may increase chances of getting a divorce. On the bright side there could be a good alimony as part of divorce settlement. Ketu along with Mercury or Jupiter in Second House nullifies some of its bad effects and gives some logic to the unreasonable aspects of Ketu. Chances of divorce maybe less if Jupiter or Mercury are with Ketu in Second House. Ketu along with Venus is likely to push an individual to drug abuse. Marriage may have ups and downs and divorce isn't ruled out. Ketu and Saturn in Second House are a disaster scenario. Both of them together would ensure native is unable to save a single penny due to family problems and health issues. 

      Ketu in Second House is generally a bad placement. Only time it gives good fruits is if Eight House Rahu is in good condition. Natives with Ketu in Second House must keep a check on their harsh speech. There is a good chance to divorce due to inattentive nature, critical speech and neglect towards spouse. They must ensure that the marriage partner feels their love, warmth and care in marriage. Dealing with family would require some tact and diplomacy. If they are unable to save much than they must try to save their funds in stock markets, mutual funds, gold or other suitable places. For harsh speech they must pray to Goddess Saraswati as she is the Goddess of speech and education. 

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