Astro Isha

Site on Vedic Astrology

Brief Intro

Leo is lorded by Sun. Leo is a confident and enterprising sign. Moon is significator of mind. Leo Moon gives a confident personality, ambitious nature and good leadership skills. Leo is the sign of royalty and such individuals like to act and behave like royalty irrelevant of their financial condition. They may be extravagant, spendthrift and lavish in their lifestyle.

General Character

Leo Moon gives a confident personality with good leadership skills. They have the ability to motivate and bring the best in others. Those born with Moon in Leo and Magha nakshatra maybe short tempered and spiritual. Those born with Moon in Purva Phalguni are generally the good looking ones who love fame and showoff. Those born with Moon in Uttara Phalguni may exhibit good leadership skills and enterprising nature.

Leo natives have excess of confidence sometimes bordering on arrogance. Leo's have abundance of pride and self-esteem. At the same time they are kind, honest, happy and forgiving type. Leo natives are blessed with all the attributes of Sun like good will power, ambition and foresight. Leo natives generally rise through their own efforts. They are incredibly hard working and determined to succeed in any area they plunge into.


Leo Moon's are born to lead. They can have an excellent career as managers, bankers, politicians and entertainers. Their ability to lead and motivate others is what makes them a valuable asset in companies they work for. They are ambitious, confident and enterprising which allows them to rise to top of the management chain. One of their major drawback is their inability to emphathize with others at workplace. They hate doing menial work and would ask others to do the necessary hard work for them.

Leo Moon can give an excellent career in banking, finance and stock trading. They can also work in MNC's related to fashion, cosmetics, management, finance and entertainment sector. Career in media, consultancy and management sectors is also worth pursuing. Those born in Purva Phalguni or Uttara Phalguni nakshatra may even end up becoming actors, musicians and entertainers.

Business related to consultancy, management, entertainment, banking, pharmacy and selling medical equipments can be pursued. Farming related to food grains, saffron and red pulses can be pursued. They can also get a stable job in government sector especially in banking, public relation and management. Leo Moon can also give an excellent career in politics or as a trustee managing huge funds in religious places, hedge funds or charity orgs.


Leo Moon gives a confident and dominating personality. As such its important they find a life partner who doesn't mind playing second fiddle in marriage. Spouse for Leo Moon's generally gets attracted to their confident personality or good looks. Leo Moon natives are generally romantic, extroverts and quite expressive in marriage. There are high chances of love marriage especially if there is MarsxVenus connection in horoscope. Spouse can be simple and introvert personality. Leo Moon natives maybe attracted to someone young or older than them. Alternatively spouse may age faster compared to Leo Moon natives.

One bad habit of Leo Moon natives is to taunt and criticize spouse sometimes in full public glare. Life partner signified by Aquarius and Saturn may have their share of insecurities and doubts. Supporting the marriage partner during their bad times can strengthen marriage. Marriage partner will tolerate flamboyant and boastful nature but will not forgive personal insults.


Generally they are quite healthy. Although heart problems, acidity, acne, eye diseases and problems in back are possible. Hemorrhoids(Piles) are common if other fiery planets are associated with Moon in Leo Sign.


Confidence, positive mindset, cheerful and capable leaders


Arrogance, anger, sarcasm, hogging limelight.

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