Astro Isha

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     Saturn in second house is troublesome in more ways then one. Second house looks after monetary savings, family and speech. Naturally the planet which has words like famine, poverty and oppression associated with it isn't the ideal in the second house. But Saturn in the second house does fairly good provided there is a supportive sign. Savings would be less until the second half of life. Unless there are other combinations which strengthen the second house native would have to work very hard to save money. Not only that equation with family members could also suffer.

     Saturn does good in the house where it is placed and ruins the portfolios of houses where it casts an aspect on. Saturn in second house casts an aspect on fourth house, eight house and eleventh house. Fourth house is the house of happiness, mother and education. Eight house is the house of in-laws and also for taxation and secret earnings. Eleventh house is the house of regular income, friends, social connections and also quick gains. Simply put it your happiness and income would suffer greatly and taxation on your income could kill you. Your equation with mother, in-laws and friends is not great either. Education might see periods of stopage or failures and job stability would be less. There can be court cases also related to property matters.

     If there are friendly or neutral signs in fourth house and eleventh house than bad effects are somewhat neutralized. But in the eight house there can be some troubles even if there is a friendly sign. Natives should avoid court cases and try to buy property in name of a family member with a better fourth house. They should save in gold and other precious metals. Also they should stay focused during there study years so as to avoid failures. If there are periods of unemployement and non-payments they should not get frustrated. Things would improve for them in the second half of life. 

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