Astro Isha

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     Ninth house is the house of fortune and Jupiter is its natural lord. Jupiter is expansive, optimistic, imaginative and magnanimous. Saturn has to shed his negativity, worries, anxieties and miser attitude when he occupies the ninth house. Saturn's naturally positive traits like hard work and servitude to humanity are brought forth in ninth house. The native does wonderful provided no bad aspect or placement are present in ninth house. Since both Jupiter and Saturn are slow moving planets, native gains success late. After twenty-eight years of life the native is blessed with regular income and fortune smiles on native after thirty-six years of life.

     Saturn in ninth house also provides a wonderful opportunity to work and settle abroad. Higher education in foreign countries is a possibility if Saturn has strength. If the lord of eleventh house is placed with Saturn in the ninth house than natives fortune increases many fold. Saturn in ninth house gives an excellent career in education, import-export business, as an astrologer and also in spiritual places. Saturn bestows knowledge of secret arts not readily available in public domain. Sometimes though there could be problems due to long distance travels. If there is an enemy sign in the eleventh house than possibility of frictions with friends and difficulty in getting regular income are possible. There could be problems with siblings, neighbors and also with colleagues at work place. Saturn in ninth house makes a native religious and rigid. In rare cases recluse from worldly desires and progress towards spirituality are possible.

     Saturn in ninth house may give some ups and downs in earnings and problems with friends and siblings but the positives far outweigh the negatives. Saturn in ninth house provides an excellent analytical mind, religious attitude and a good moral character. Provided sign is supportive Saturn does wonderful in the ninth house.

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