Astro Isha

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     Eleventh house is the house of gains. Jupiter is the natural lord of eleventh house. Saturn is quite comfortable in this house. Native earns abundant wealth through hard work and achieves success through his own efforts. Saturn blesses the native with wealth and longetivity though health maybe problematic. 

     Saturn is the indicator of scarcity. Saturn's placement in eleventh house ensures there are less friends and smaller social circle but all of them are generally trustworthy. Having said that Saturn gives wonderful results in wealth creation and native would have abundant wealth provided he/she works hard. But wealth comes gradually. Those who plan for the long-term would get much better success with Saturn in eleventh house. Those who like shortcuts would be punished by Saturn in eleventh house. Saturn provides an excellent career in law. Saturn in eleventh house fares better in service sector but if there is relationship with seventh house or second house lord than business is also possible. Saturn's aspect on first house creates doubts in mind, problems with health and also dark complexion in some cases. Saturn's aspect on fifth house creates frictions with children and also losses via gambling or stock markets. Saturn's aspect on eight house blesses the native with long life but may give sorrows at the end of life time.

     Saturn in eleventh house is generally a good placement. As long as the native works hard and doesn't try shortcuts to money he/she is sure to get abundant wealth and success. Native would have good employees working under. Friends would be few but most of them would be trustworthy. For frictions with children recite mantras for Lord Ganesha and for old age woes a simple mrityunjaya or mahamrityunjaya mantra recitation would do. 

Note: Some people think Saturn is the lord of eleventh house. Saturn is the lord of Aquarius Sign which is the eleventh sign. But it cannot lord over House of Gains(eleventh house) as it is the significator of scarcity.

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