Astro Isha

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     Mars in ninth house is placed in the house of his friend Jupiter. This placement offers somewhat better results in matters of religion, travels for business and education related purpose as well as finding a good mentor(guru/teacher) if the planet Jupiter is in good condition. There could be misunderstandings and fights with siblings. In rare cases there could be death of siblings. 

     Mangal does well in this house. It provides authority and wealth to the native. Native is blessed with good children provided fifth house is strong.  Venus as co-tenant in ninth house could give a happy life in a foreign country. But it could also suggest dual marriage for both male and female natives. Native is a frequent traveller and often needs to travel long distance. If Jupiter or Mercury are co-tenants than native is religious and learned otherwise Mars alone in a bad sign could make the native atheists and one who doesn't like following culture and norms of society. Aspect on twelfth house causes losses both personal and financial. Aspect on the fourth house causes frictions at home and also requires native to stay away from homeland. Natives are advised not to buy or sell property. Native should also ensure property is registered under name of someone else in the family whom native considers lucky. Aspect on third house causes differences with siblings and neighbors. Aspect on third house makes for an aggressive communicator who likes to put his point across.

     Mars in ninth House is overall good. Native needs to avoid buying property in his/her name if possible. Native should avoid being over-agressive with neighbors and siblings. Also native should take care of his finances due to aspect on twelfth house of losses.

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