Mercury in fifth house is great for intelligence and stock markets Fifth house is the house of intelligence, progeny, entertainment, popularity, stock markets and gambling. Mercury does well in fifth house especially in modern day scenario when intelligence is measured by ones efficiency in facts gathering and showing oneself in higher stead then the competition.

According to B. V. Raman: "Mercury in fifth house makes a native learned and happy. The person may become an adviser or a minister. He is highly intelligent and learned in factual recitation. He maybe inclined to seeking sexual pleasures which may harm his vitality". Mercury is a eunuch or without gender. Fifth house is the house of progeny. This is the one house where placement along with Sun is not ideal. Sun burns down all the matters of the house to aid self realisation. There might be few or no children if Sun+Mercury are present especially in fiery signs(Aries, Leo or Sagittarius). Other malefic influences can also cause problems with child birth. Mercury's association with Sun provides intelligence of the highest order and popularity rivaling that of a movie star.
Mercury with Moon would provide some differences with children but native is blessed with intelligent and beautiful children. Mercury along with Rahu, Ketu, Mars and Saturn proves devastating for progeny and also may sometimes give negative publicity and less intelligence. Mercury with Jupiter in fifth house is perhaps better for children and intelligence. Sometimes there are chances of natives being a crook. Mercury+Venus in fifth house is great for romantic life but may not bode well for marriage. Mercury+Venus may bless natives with more female children.
In modern day a person who can put the facts on the table and knows how to get his/her point across is successful. Mercury can give great intelligence and along with planets like Jupiter or Sun may drive the native to be street smart and diplomatic which can enhance chances of success. Mercury in fifth house provides a great career as a diplomat, in a cabinet ministry, via stock markets, in media and communication sector and other professions where showing of intelligence and communicating are involved.
Mercury in fifth house with bad influences can cause problems with child birth. Mercury is also prone to show off and intelligence is not something you want to show off to others. Prayers to Lord Ganesha are quite ideal and recommended especially if there are problems with child birth
Read our article: Remedies For Mercury to help with weak Mercury.
Raman, Bangalore Venkata. How to Judge a Horoscope. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2014. Print.
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