Check if you have Obyachari Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator
Obyachari Yoga is formed when there are planets other then Moon located on either side of Sun. Simply put it the twelfth house or second house from Sun should have planets like Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn for Obyachari Yoga to happen in the horoscope.

The native with Obyachari Yoga will be an eloquent speaker. He/She will have good body figure. Native will derive delight in everything he/she does and such people are generally well-liked by those around. Such natives have been observed to be rich and famous.
Mercury travels very close to the Sun. So nearly 100% of people have either Budh-Aditya Yoga or Obyachari Yoga in the horoscope. Even Venus rotates at a very close angle to the Sun. But not everyone turns into an eloquent speaker or rich and famous personality. The reason is the strength of planets around Sun and placement of Sun also need to be observed. If Sun is in Aries than Venus in Taurus would give a very strong Obyachari Yoga. Similarly Sun in Leo and Mercury in Virgo would give a strong Obyachari Yoga but Mercury's placement in Cancer won't guarantee a strong Obyachari Yoga. Always find the strength and weakness of planets in their placement before giving verdict on a particular yoga in horoscope.
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