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Pitru Dosha Part Two

     Check bad yogas in your horoscope: Astro Yoga Calculator

     In Part 1 of the 3 Part Series on Pitru Dosha we looked at how Pitru Dosha is formed by sins of our father. In this part we would look at the various yogas which suggests a Pitru Dosha in your horoscope. When you have a certain yogas you can be sure that your forefathers had done something naughty. Ofcourse an individual with a Pitru Dosha is no angel. He/She is sure to have done some crime which befits the present life misery. 

Accept It Or Leave It

     But human beings have a habit of rejecting their faults. They believe they are perfect and can do no wrong. But unfortunately the higher force which we call as God has the ability to see all our right and wrong. At this point you can reject it and move forward in the direction which suits you. But if you have placed your faith in astrology then be ready to accept fault and that you have wronged someone. Whom, How and Why are explained below. That would be the first step to correcting the problem. 

Sun-Saturn association

     Sun and Saturn in a single house spells doomsday for natives. Sun and Saturn are father and son and like many father-son duo they don't get along well. Just think of Saturn as a grown and rebellious teenager and Sun as an indifferent and disciplinarian father who fails to understand his son's choices. As many can guess there are bound to be conflicts in such scenarios. When it is in sign of Sun(Leo) or Saturn(Capricorn or Aquarius) you can be assured all hell breaks loose. One planet tends to dominate the other and other doesn't like it one bit. Saturn teaches discipline in life, likes slow but steady progress, prefers down-to-earth simple personalities while Sun is royalty, like to show off and never the type to think twice in arrogance. 

     Saturn Sun association is a sure sign that you have caused emotional distress to others by failing to emphatize with them. The house placement, the astrological sign and aspect shed more light on person who was harmed by you. Say Saturn and Sun are together in tenth house than chances of you getting a very bad boss rise quite dramatically. There maybe chances of having enmity with father. Saturn Sun association in tenth house is a direct result of an individual having done wrong to his father or subordinates. Similarly in Saturn Sun association in first house could suggest a lifetime of difficulties. It is safe to assume that in the past lives you might have been overworking or taking advantage of a few people. If you are humiliated quite often and you tend to have a Saturn Sun association you can assume that your ego in past life was much more then required. 

Jupiter Rahu association

     Jupiter-Rahu association is also called Vipra Chandal Yoga. Jupiter is a nice guy and Rahu is a poser and a double-cross. Jupiter likes simplicity and is quite knowlegable. Rahu like complexity and is quite shallow in thought. Jupiter likes to be humble as he believes that calm ocean are deep. While Rahu likes to show off and believes that which is visible sells. Well for obvious reasons these two planets do not see eye-to-eye. When Jupiter and Rahu are in same house and same sign you can bet on it that you wronged a simple and down-to-earth soul. Those with Jupiter-Rahu asscoiation tend to know what is right thing to do but can find it difficult to do that right thing. It is in their instinct to choose a illegal route for success and the struggle lies in the realization that they already knew it was wrong thing to do in the first place. Yet just as a firefly goes into fire for its destruction, the natives with Jupiter-Rahu association is attracted to illegal/shortcut means for success. Ultimately he fails and the karma is balanced. If you have realized already that you have a Jupiter Rahu association be sure to take path of the simple and benevolent Jupiter. Success would come a lot later but rest assured it would come. But if you chose the path of Rahu early success maybe possible but late misery is certain. So choose wisely and choose the path of Jupiter when you have a Jupiter Rahu association in a horoscope. 

Saturn Moon association

     Saturn-Moon association is also called Visha Yoga. It is direct result of having caused immense emotional torture to someone in previous life, having taken more credit then actually deserving and having got more returns then what they worked for. This results in present life hardships, needing to work a lot harder to achieve even small success and emotional trauma which is too much to bear. Many resort to suicide cause they can't handle the pressure. Saturn-Moon association produces people who have emotional scars which would lead them to greatness if they survive them. But alas... They can be both a tormenter and a helper. The choice is always with them. So choose wisely and choose the path that helps mankind in future.

Sun-Rahu or Moon-Rahu association

     Both Sun-Rahu and Moon-Rahu association signify Grahan Yoga. Sun signifies intelligence while Moon signifies mind. Rahu is an illusion. In simple terms both these associations cause an eclipse on intelligence and mind. Mind is unable to think rationally and all the intelligence of an individual goes down the drain. Often natives with these two associations make rash decisions which results in financial, emotional or physical loss. For example a native with Grahan yoga may invest all his fortune in share markets on a single script. But that script price are reduced to half and there is no way to come back. The natives with Sun-Rahu and Moon-Rahu association have been oversmart and made a fool out of some innocent person. Karma catches up and all their intelligence and minds thinking capacity goes down the drain and they make the choices which even an idiot would not make. There is a saying in sanskrit: विनाश काले विपरीत बुद्धि. It just means you would be a fool at your end time. That only applies for wrong doers and those with Sun-Rahu or Moon-Rahu associations were no saints in previous lives. Fear not cause once the karma cancels the bad deeds the mind and intelligence returns to normal. There are ample chances to earn what is lost or replace it atleast. 

Have faith and patience

     If you have placed faith in astrology then learn to accept the fundamentals associated with it. Learn to admit that something must have been done wrong by you for misery to fall on you. The first step is acceptance. Acceptance can lead to genuine change. More on this in Part 3. Feel free to comment if you like the post. If you have any queries feel free to contact me. 

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