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Career in Government Sector

     doctor   Most lucrative job in terms of safety and stability are government jobs especially in India. The basic package for a clerk in government sector maybe more than for senior employee of a multinational company. While salary package in private companies maybe more government job has things like provident funds, gratuity, pension, travel and food expenses as well as other perks which attract people towards it. Also there is stability and safety in government jobs and normally you are not shown the door for underperformance.

     And that is why there are engineers, doctors, IT experts, MBA's, Ph.D's and other countless experts applying for the role in government sector. Vedic astrology can be used to decipher whether a person has chances of getting a government job or not

10th House and Sun

     For role in a government sector and to derive benefits from government there are two factors which are essential. They are:

  1. Strength in tenth house in a horoscope
  2. Strong placement of Sun in horoscope

     If both are strong than native not only gets a good job in government sector but also gets life term benefits from the government. If one of them is strong then native may get a government job but associated perks and promotions may not be as expected. If none of them are strong then chances of government jobs are quite less. If the eight house is strong than there maybe chance to work as a diplomat or in the IRS(Income Tax Department). But more often than not it is the tenth house and Sun which provide great career in government sector.

Government Jobs Factors
  1. Sun+Mercury forms the Budh-Aditya Yoga and placement in tenth house is a sure shot guarantee to work in a government sector and get promotions as well as associated perks from the government.
  2. A strong Mars in tenth house or sixth house could also grant role in government sector. Mars in tenth house could make one a government doctor, good administrator(IAS/IPS in India) or something similar. In sixth house native could have a career in the army, navy or airforce.
  3. Strong Mercury in tenth house can make one a diplomat, lecturer, teacher or a cabinet minister. It can also give a role in tax department or revenue collection.
  4. Jupiter in tenth house blesses native with role as lecturer, in government training sector, as a foreign secretaries, foreign dignitaries or something similar. A job as a government appointed trustee is also likely if Jupiter is strong in horoscope.
  5. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu aren't likely to give government jobs unless associated with other strong planets. Of course based on their strength in horoscope they may actually make the native a politician who runs the government especially Saturn and Rahu.
  6. Moon is a planet associated with business and chances of good government jobs are less due to it.
Govt Jobs vs Others

     doctor   The lure of government jobs is unparalleled especially in India. Everyone wants a government job in India. The stability and security associated with them are quite the deciding factors. Yet not everyone is meant to be part of government. Actually only 1-2% of the total population can work under government. Rest of them have to slug it out in the big bad world.

     If one is not getting a government job despite trying very hard than its necessary to get ones horoscope analyzed. If there is no scope for government job in a horoscope than trying in private sector or starting ones own business isn't such a bad idea. Both of them involve high risk and no security but success in those fields can give money which a salaried person working for government can only dream about.

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