Astro Isha

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     Shani Amavasya(Saturn No Moon Day) is coming up on Saturday 4th May 2019. According to popular folklore Saturn was born in the Vaisakha month of Vedic Calendar and on the day of No Moon. This is the one day when fear, superstition, irrational thoughts and ignorance would reign supreme in the hearts and minds of the people. There woud be wastage of oil, sesame seeds and a lot of other things which could have been used for alternative purpose. The purpose of this article is not to hurt sentiments of anyone. The only purpose is to help them understand Saturn better instead of fearing it unnecessarily. As they say: "What we do not understand is what we fear".

     There have been countless articles to remove unncessary fear of Saturn on this website. That include Saturn, Saturn and Superstition, Saturn: Teacher or Tormentor, Sade Sati, Difficulties and InstabilityBad Sade-Sati Good ResultsSaturn's Transit: A New PerspectiveSaturn-Mars Mutual Aspect and Remedies For Saturn. But inspite of our humble efforts there are very few people who can be convinced to leave the irrational fear of Saturn. A few things might change in our own perspective as astrologers as we get more data. 

     Coming back to the point its necessary to understand why only oil and sesame seeds are associated with Saturn. Castor oil, other forms of cooking oils and sesame seeds are associated with Saturn cause Saturn causes flatluence and other digestive diseases. And consuming castor oil and other forms of cooking oil is fast and easy way to remove all diseases related to digestion and gastric problems. Saturn causes pain in joints and bones especially knee joints. Apply oil of sesame seeds is an effective remedy against pain in knee joints. Sesame seeds are full of minerals and calcium which are necessary for healthy bones and muscles. There is an actual science associated with certain rituals. But blindly following them without raising questions has led to increase in fear and superstition. Still if the native so wishes he can donate oil and sesame seeds to the poor and needy instead of pouring it on Shani idol. Saturn represents poverty so he would be pleased by donation to poor and needy also. 

          What we don't understand is what we fear and that is why it is necessary to understand how Saturn works. He is just a judge appointed by Lord Shiva. A judge cannot punish you unless you have done any crime. And a judge has to give you parole/bail if you remain on good behavior. His job is to give punishment befitting your crime. Remember No Crime No Punishment. And sometimes he also needs to reward a person for good karma and behavior. If and when a person learns to let go of unneceesary fear and start doing good karma this great nemesis called Saturn would automatically move out of his/her way. 

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