Astro Isha

Site on Vedic Astrology

Brief Intro

Scorpio Sign is known as Vrischika Rashi in vedic astrology. Scorpio Sign is watery by nature, female by gender and rules over the north direction. It controls the uterus, bladder and excretory system. Mars is the lord of Scorpio Sign while Moon is debilitated in Scorpio. It gives Kapha Dosha.

Physical Features

Scorpio Moon often gives big piercing eyes, pointed nose and long neck. There can be wrinkles on forehead. They are generally thin and slim in youth but tend to put on weight as they age. Skin complexion maybe a shade darker than normal skin tone. Veins are normally visible on their hands. They maybe medium to tall in height. Some of them grow a double chin in later part of their lives due to obesity.

General Character

Scorpio Moon makes an individual sincere and hard working. They would let go of their own profits if that helps another individual avoid losses. They love and care for others deeply and would go to any lengths to help those they care about. They are secretive individuals and not afraid of lying if situation calls for it. Ofcourse in times of need they act as strong pillar of support for family and friends. They are trustworthy and reliable and less likely to cheat or deceive others even if they lie occasionally.

One bad quality is their inability to bear heartbreaks which eventually makes them cold and indifferent. Scorpio Moon being deblitated can make an individual act vindictive, insecure, pessimist and negative at times.


Scorpio symbol is a poisonous scorpion. Accordingly Scorpio Moon gives ideal career related to poisons, toxins, colors and dyes. Scorpio Moon can also give an ideal career as a general physician, surgeon, as a pharmacist, biologist, virgologist and pathologist. Scorpio being a secretive sign can also provide work in espionage, detective work, intelligence agencies and any place where there is need to keep information classified. Scorpio Moon can also provide job in backoffice, taxation, as a private mercenary and in offshore oil rigs and refinaries. There is also a chance to become a treasure hunter or one who collects precious artifacts from ocean.

Staring own pharma company, chemical factory, cures for poisons and toxins as well as paint company is ideal. One can also start a laboratory which studies about viruses, pathogens, bacteria, poisons and toxins. Becoming private practise as a tax consultant or private detective is also suitable. One can also open a mercenary service which provides private army.

Marriage and Family

Marriage partner for Scorpio Moon is generally the better half. Spouse if attractive and popular makes individuals insecure and doubtful. Spouse can be good cultured, well mannered and with a good dressing sense. They talk and behave in a confident manner which makes Scorpio Moon more insecure. Individuals are advised to avoid unnecessary suspect on spouse as well as avoid petty arguments and fights. Scorpio Moon are caring, compassionate and love deeply but unable to express their love and emotions openly. Most of the times their actions speak louder than words. Scorpio Moon hate being deceived and cheated in relationship. They would find innovative ways to punish cheating spouse or lover. They also cannot handle mutual breakup and tend to vindictive towards spouse or lover.

Family for natives is a mixed baggage. They generally do not derive much help from parents and often are self made individuals. Father is confident and enterprising while mother is more caring and concerned parent. Relationship with siblings can have its share of ups and downs especially with elder sibling. Chances of fight for inheritance not ruled out with siblings. Children especially daughters can be loving and caring who love individuals unconditionally.


Scorpio Moon gives bad digestion especially problems in lower intestine. There can also be problems in penis/vagina, fallopian tube, scrotum and other private organs. Chances of problem in rectum, anus and butt area are also not ruled out. There are also chances of mental disorders especially related to anger and paranoia. Other common diseases include cold and pain in neck. Scorpio natives are prone to accidents and head injuries.


Hard working, sharp memory, quick thoughts and actions, helpful in times of need


Vindictive, sometimes indecisive, unwilling to change, suspicious and unable to forgive and forget


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