Astro Isha

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     Second house belongs to Jupiter.  Mars maybe friend of Jupiter but he is less suited to handle the delicate portfolios of second house. Mars is energetic, restless and quick. Second house looks after family, speech and savings. Mars gets angry at drop of a hat and gets into frequent arguments with family. Mars loves action and hates speeches. Mars maybe an excellent wealth generator but he hates savings and love splashing money. Naturally it is not too ideal to have Mars in second house. Mars in second house makes case for Mangal Dosha with its aspect on eight house.

     If fiery planets like Sun or Ketu are co-tenants of Mars in second house than native is unable to save any money in his lifetime. This scenario holds especially true if there is fiery sign like Aries, Leo or Sagittarius in second house. With Mars in first house native gets into constant arguments and fights with family members. Also Mars gives a speech which is rough and rude. Jupiter or Mercury along with Mars would help calm some of its bad effects. Saturn along with Mars is a catastrophe and guarantees poverty, rough speech and bad relation with family. 

     Mars from second house aspects the fifth house, eight house and ninth house. Aspect on fifth house suggests frictions with children. On the bright side there can be profits from short term trading in stock markets provided sign is favorable. Aspect on Mars on eight house is by far the worst. It suggests problems with in-laws and a possible divorce. Aspect of Mars on ninth house isn't that bad.

     Natives with Mars in second house must pray to Lord Ganesha. They may have difficulty in saving money so they must invest in gold, various financial schemes, real estate and stock markets to save their money. They must try to be nice with family members and avoid unnecessary fights with them. They should also pray to Goddess Saraswati to control their rough and rude speech. They must try to be avoid frictions with in-laws and marriage partner. Learn the art of compromise and adjustment in marriage. 

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