Astro Isha

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     Fifth house is the house of popularity and progeny. Mars in fifth house is in the house of his friend Jupiter. Mars does well provided there is a favorable sign. Native gets into arguments with his/her children. If there are bad influence on fifth house than there is a possibility of losing millions in gambling or stock markets. But if there are no bad influence than Mars in fifth house can give decent income via short term stock market trading. Fifth house is also the house of romance and entertainment. Mars makes a person aggressive in a romantic relation. If there is association with Venus and Rahu than native can be an open flirt whether a male or female.

   Fifth house also rules fame. Mars adds to positive or negative fame depending on strength of Mars. Also native is drawn to quick and easy money. Gambling and stock markets are the preferred choice for native to lose a fortune. Mars from fifth house aspects the eight house, eleventh house and twelfth house. The aspect on eight house creates frictions with the in-laws in first marriage. There are high chances of divorce especially if Venus or Ketu occupy the eight house. The aspect on eleventh house is generally good. There maybe frequent change of jobs but Mars generally does not destroy portfolios of eleventh house. The aspect on twelfth house is the worst. There can be heavy financial losses. Native's sexual tendencies can increase or decrease based on planets and signs in twelfth house and that can also lead to divorce. 

     While Mars overall is not bad for fifth house the aspect on eight house and twelfth house does do some problems. Native is advised not to go for easy money. Native should also try to stay away from flirting and extramarital affairs outside of marriage. Try long term and proper investment. Also try to be nice with in-laws. Frictions with children need to be avoided and native should keep calm when talking with them. The native should pray to Lord Ganesha. Ganesha is the ideal child, carefully thinks over things and is the lord of auspiciousness.

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