Astro Isha

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     Mars in seventh house is in the house of his enemy Venus. Venus is romance and Mars is aggression. This placement makes the native quite lustful. This placement is quite troublesome in a number of ways. It causes a strong case of Mangal Dosha. Before pressing the panic button in marriage do read: Mangal Dosha Simplified to understand that it is nothing catastrophic and some considerations can help calm down the bad effects.

     Mars in seventh house causes frictions with spouse. Marriage is late and its for the betterment. If there is early marriage than there is high chance of divorce. There are problems in business partnerships and possible fights and litigation's by business partner. Female natives have troubles giving birth, changes in menstrual cycles, frequent UTI and inflammation around private parts of body. Men are also susceptible to burning sensation in urinary tract as well as UTI. There could be court cases as seventh house also rules legal proceedings. Mars casts an aspect on tenth house, first house and second house from its placement in seventh house. The aspect on tenth house provides energy and aggression at workplace. This give success but there could be some problems with co-workers and bosses at workplace. The aspect on first house causes anger to rise. There could be a head injury or scar around the eye. The worst aspect is the aspect on second house. It causes friction with family members, gives a rough speech and worst of all affects life savings. There are health issues, legal troubles or some other troubles which makes it impossible for native to save wealth.

    Mars in seventh house could provide troubles in matters of marriage, stored wealth, legal troubles and health issues. Also the native could have frictions with family members and serious anger management issues. Regular pranayam especially Anulom Vilom, Sheetali and Sheetkari Pranayam is a must. Native should try and save money in various financial schemes, stock markets, land and real estate and any place other than banks and in wallets. Native must try to avoid being over-competitive at workplace. 

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