Astro Isha

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     Mars in the tenth house is in the house of its friend Sun. Native with Mars in tenth house rises to high position in life and is quite active at workplace. The downside of Mars in this location are frictions at home and also troubles with buying and selling property. Frictions with children are not ruled out.

     Mars in tenth house creates a fearless individual and a wonderful employee. The native is hard working, sincere, time bound and loves pushing others at workplace and is a dream employee for bosses. The subordinates and co-workers may not like the native too much. Mars in tenth house makes the native fond of earning praise and go that extra mile to earn a little more income. If Mercury joins Mars than the native could be a skilled scientists, technician or a software or hardware developer. If Saturn joins Mars then also similar roles are possible with politician added to the list. If Jupiter is with Mars then native could become a corporator or mayor or governor/chief minister. With Venus along with Mars in tenth house the native could also become a successful trader in foreign land. Mars with Rahu in tenth house makes the native a politician or actor. Mars with Ketu could make a wonderful doctor or even a mercenery.

     Mars in tenth house is great but aspect on fourth house creates frictions with mother, makes the native leave the comfort of his homeland. In certain cases he joins army to defend his homeland. Worst of all land dealing could spell trouble and natives are advised to stay away from buying or selling property in their names. Fourth house also rules over old age so there can be quite a few surgeries possible in old age. The aspect on first house provides energy and aggression. Sometimes anger takes over rational thinking and native get involved in fights which ruin his/her reputation. The eight aspect on fifth house does not go well for relationship with children. Children maybe few. Stock market investment is favorable but care is advised not to do reckless investment.

    Natives with Mars in tenth house should pray to Lord Hanuman. They should keep their anger in check especially at home and when in company of subordinates and co-workers. Natives are hard working and can get success via their own efforts so any form of gambling or reckless investment is not required. Natives must try and avoid real estate and should buy property in name of their family members.

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