Astro Isha

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     Sun in second house is a difficult placement but one which can be managed. Second house looks after matters of family, savings, speech as well as right eye and ear. Sun is a fiery planet who is confident, loves royalty and is not afraid to show off. The delicate matters of second house are not suited for planetary characteristics of Sun. But Sun does wonders in second house especially if Mercury or Jupiter are co-tenants. If there are planets like Saturn, Mars, Ketu or Venus as co-tenant than the results are not so ideal. 

      According to B. V. Raman, Sun in second house causes losses when native offends the authorities. He can have some skin problems on the face. Also he is likely to be stubborn in nature. He can obtain money by hard work and diligence. If the astrological sign and co-tenants favor then native could be a very popular singer. This holds true if Mercury is co-tenant and if Mercury or Sun happen to lord over eleventh house of income or second house of savings. If Sun in second house is located in a fiery sign like Leo, Sagittarius or Aries and has fiery planets like Mars and Ketu as co-tenants than native would have a hard time saving money. Fortunately there is a cure for it. Native needs to invest in gold even if little. Sun represents gold while Mars also favors buying metals. While savings in currency format will not remain those in gold format will stay and continue to grow.

     The aspect on eight house is not that good and affects matters of inheritance, Relationship with in-laws can have ego issues. Native should invest carefully in mutual funds and tax saver bonds. According to B. V. Raman eyesight of natives may suffer if Sun and Moon are co-tenants in the second house. If Sun is aspected by enemy planets like Saturn or Rahu than there could be heavy losses in savings. 

     Sun in second house is a favorable placement only if there are planets like Mercury or Jupiter as co-tenants. Its very essential to start saving in gold and other metals. Native can have skin problems and is advised to drink lots of water, avoid spicy and oily foods as well as do twelve steps of Surya Namaskar in front of rising Sun. Native must take care not to spoil relationships with family members. Native should at all cost avoid frictions with rulers of land or else troubles are guaranteed in life.


Raman, Bangalore Venkata. How to Judge a Horoscope. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2014. Print.

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