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What is Gandharva Yoga?

Gandharva Yoga is one of the yogas mentioned in B.V. Raman's 300 Important Combination. Gandharvas are celestial beings associated with dance, music and arts. Shiv Mahimna Stotra which is one of the most powerful hymns dedicated to Shiva was composed by Pushpadant who was a Gandharva.

How is Gandharva Yoga formed?

Gandharva Yoga is quite a complex yoga. Cause it requires Sun, Moon, Jupiter, lord of tenth house and lord of ascendant to form this yoga. Below are four conditions required for Gandharva Yoga to form in horoscope.

  • Lord of tenth house should be in Kama Trikona. In simple terms tenth house lord should be placed in either third house, seventh house or twelfth house.
  • Jupiter should be co-tenant of ascendant lord.
  • Sun should be exalted.
  • Moon should be in fortune house(ninth house).

Note: Sun remain exalted between Mid-April to Mid-May according to vedic astrology.

Examples of Gandharva Yoga
Results of Gandharva Yoga

As the name implies Gandharva Yoga is associated with arts, music and dance and can provide a career in them. According to B. V. Raman those with Gandharva Yoga will have unbeatable skills in music and fine arts. They will be pleasure loving, are well dressed and will become quite famous. They may live above 68 years of age.

Remarks On Gandharva Yoga

Gandharva Yoga would be extremely hard to find in a given horoscope cause the above mentioned combinations would be available in very few artists, musicians and actors. Exalted Sun happens only between Mid-April to Mid-November. Combined with other factors like tenth lord required to be in Kama Trikona or ascendant lord required to be with Jupiter this will be one of the rarest yoga to happen in horoscope.

Weak Yoga

B. V. Raman is of the opinion that even if some of the above mentioned conditions fructify in horoscope than also a person can do well in arts, music and dance fields. But that native to gain mastery in field of arts, music, singing or dancing requires all conditions of Gandharva Yoga to fructify in horoscope.

Common Link In Artists

A common link that can be found in many artist is strength of Jupiter or ninth house. For example: Shreya Ghoshal has own-sign Jupiter in Sagittarius, Arjit Singh has exalted Jupiter in Cancer, Celine Dion has Jupiter in Leo. Madhuri Dixit who is a trained dancer has exalted Jupiter. Amitabh Bachchan has exalted Jupiter in seventh house as well as strong ninth house. Hema Malini who is a trained dancer has own-sign Jupiter in Sagittarius. Meenakshi Shesadri who is a trained dancer also has own-sign Jupiter in Pisces. Question in everyone's mind would be: Why Jupiter and ninth house are important for artists?

Reason is both Jupiter and ninth house deal with learning and continuous improvement. When one has an influential Jupiter or ninth house they are far more likely to keep polishing their skills even if they have already achieved unparalled fame.

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