Astro Isha

Site on Vedic Astrology

What is Vidyut Yoga?

Vidyut Yoga is one of the yogas mentioned in B.V. Raman's 300 Important Combination. Vidyut means electricity in sanskrit. Vidyut Yoga is rare as it requires eleventh house lord to be exalted in one of the vishnu sthanas. As such this yoga only happens in Aries Ascendant, Libra Ascendant, Sagittarius Ascendant and Capricorn Ascendant.

How is Vidyut Yoga formed?

Three conditions are required for formation of Vidyut Yoga in horoscope

  1. Lord of eleventh house must be in a quadrant. In simpler terms eleventh lord must be placed in first house(ascendant), fourth house, seventh house or tenth house.
  2. Lord of eleventh house must be exalted.
  3. Venus should be its co-tenant.
Examples of Vidyut Yoga
Results of Vidyut Yoga

According to B. V. Raman those with Vidyut Yoga are charitable, pleasure loving and control large amounts of wealth or treasure. Depending on strength of Venus and eleventh lord a person could live life akin to a king/queen.

Planet Of Pleasure

Venus is the planet of wealth and pleasures. Venus placed in a quadrant generally makes a person wealthy, articulate, noble and successful. This holds especially true if Venus has strength and is not afflicted by malefics or not at a very close degree to Sun. Irrelevant of Vidyut Yoga strong Venus in quadrant is a surity of success, riches and happiness smiling on the native.

Eleventh House

Eleventh house is the house of gains. Strength in eleventh house or its lord being well placed is generally a guarantee from horoscope of considerable riches and gains. Native would either earn a very good salary or probably runs a profitable business.

Inversely if eleventh house and its lord are weak than native would fail to get the desired income in job or notable profits in business. Even if rest of horoscope is strong native would struggle with income generation.

Additional Remarks

Sagittarius Ascendant maybe where Vidyut Yoga is the strongest cause eleventh lord Venus would be in fourth house which is also known as house of happiness(sukh sthan).

In Libra Ascendant the eleventh lord is Sun so effects of Vidyut Yoga may perhaps weaken especially if Sun is very close to Venus. In Capricorn Ascendant eleventh lord Mars will be exalted in ascendant. And Venus would be less powerful in boring Capricorn even though its in a friendly sign. Still there is a very good chance of early marriage and success in business sector due to this combination.

In Aries Ascendant eleventh lord Saturn will be exalted in seventh house which has Libra Sign. If Venus is also placed as co-tenant in its own-sign than that guarantees success in business sector and happy marriage. Vidyut Yoga in Aries Ascendant is extremely rare as eleventh lord is Saturn. And Saturn transits via Libra happens for just two to three years out of total thirty years it takes to complete transit of all twelve signs.

Note: As explained above even without Vidyut Yoga a strong eleventh house or its lord or perhaps a strong Venus without affliction in quadrant can lead to success and riches.


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