Chandika Yoga is one of the yogas mentioned in B.V. Raman's 300 Important Combination. Chandi is the angry form of Goddess Durga and similarly this yoga is said to give a lot of aggression and anger to person who has such a yoga.
Chandika Yoga is a complex yoga. It is formed when
- Ascendant(lagna) has a fixed sign.
- Lord of Navamsha occupied by lord of sixth house should be with Sun.
- Lord of Navamsha occupied by lord of ninth house should also be with Sun.
- Finally lord of sixth house should be aspecting ascendant.
First to simplify it ascendant must have a fixed sign that is Taurus Sign, Leo Sign, Scorpio Sign or Aquarius Sign. Second is sixth house lord should aspect the ascendant. Third is to to check the houses in Navamsha Chart where sixth house and ninth house lords from Main Chart are placed. Fourth and final step is to see if lords of those Navamsha Chart houses are co-tenants of Sun.
This is indeed a very complicated yoga. But atleast one thing is obvious that it requires a fixed sign and sixth house lord aspecting ascendant for this yoga to even be considered. This will be a rarity.

In example provided native has Taurus Ascendant and lord of sixth house which is Venus aspecting ascendant. Lord of sixth house Venus is placed in Pisces Sign in Navamsha Chart whose natural lord is Jupiter. Lord of ninth house Saturn is placed in Aries Sign in Navamsha Chart whose natural lord is Mars. And both Jupiter and Mars combine with Sun in Aquarius Sign in Main Chart.
According to B. V. Raman those born with Chandika Yoga will be aggressive, charitable, wealthy, carry rank of minister or similar rank. They will live a long and happy life and get abundant fame.
This is a fairly complicated yoga. Its good effect will likely be found in Taurus and Scorpio Ascendant only. Cause sixth house lords here will be lords of ascendants as well. Whereas for Leo and Aquarius the lords of sixth house will be enemies so Chandika Yoga may not give them the desired good effects. According to B.V.Raman, Chandika Yoga is largely associated with political power.
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