Indra Yoga is one of the yogas mentioned in B.V. Raman's 300 Important Combination. Indra is king among devas who are Vedic Gods. Similarly this yoga is said to make the individual king among his peers.
Indra Yoga is a simple yoga. It is formed when
- Lord of fifth house occupies eleventh house.
- Lord of eleventh house occupies fifth house.
- Moon is in fifth house.
Basically fifth house and eleventh house lords need to do Parivartana Yoga. And Moon should be placed in fifth house.

According to B. V. Raman those born with Indra Yoga are highly courageous, get everlasting fame and are worshipped as King of Kings or supreme emperors. On the downside they only live until 36 years of life.
B. V. Raman who is an accomplished astrologer and has seen millions of charts has reservations about efficiency of this yoga. Also B. V. Raman notes that eight house has to be powerful if a person with this yoga wants to live a long life.
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