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Sagittarius Ascendant

Sagittarius is a dual sign, fiery by nature and male by gender. Jupiter lords over Sagittarius. Sagittarius being the ninth sign is the sign of higher learning and spirituality. No planet gets exalted or debilitated in Sagittarius according to classical texts. Some astrologers are of opinion that Rahu does gets debilitated in Sagittarius.

Signs for Lovers and Spouse

Fifth house is the house of romance. While seventh house is the house of marriage. Fifth house for Sagittarius Ascendants has the aggressive and flamboyant Aries Sign. While seventh house has the talkative, smart and sarcastic Gemini Sign.

General observation is Sagittarians have better rapport with lovers as fifth house of romance is lorded by friendly Mars. There can be differences with spouse especially if spouse has critical and condescending attitude.

Sagittarius Ascendant Lovers

Sagittarius is the sign of higher learning and spirituality. Jupiter who rules Sagittarius also seeks spiritual progress and knowledge expansion. There is a chance that Sagittarians would reject romance and love before marriage cause their religious beliefs won't allow them to be involved with someone prior to marriage.

Lovers defined by Aries and Mars can be hot headed and impulsive. Ofcourse lovers with Martian qualities are also likely to be intense lovers who go out of their way to make Sagittarians happy. Lovers can be passionate, lustful, sexually charged and prone to anger outbursts once in a while. Sagittarians are far more likely to attract flamboyant and expressive lovers towards them. Normally the lover is likely to make first move especially if lover is a male. In case of female lovers they are sure to give plenty of clear hints that she is interested in the Sagittarius male.

Love marriage via MarsxMercury association will show its share of differences and arguments. Love marriage via other combinations may show better prospects.

Sagittarius Ascendant Marriage

Gemini Sign which is ruled by Mercury occupies the marriage house. As such spouse is likely to have atleast some traits associated with Gemini and Mercury. Spouse can be talkative, smart, calculative and funny. In most marriage the Sagittarius Ascendant natives are the better half. They need to be understanding and forgiving types especially males for marriage to work.

Marriage for Sagittarius Ascendants can have its share of differences partly due to spouse's overtly critical, mocking and condescending nature. Spouse defined by Gemini and Mercury can have a loose tongue which ruins relationship with others. Ofcourse spouse with her intellect and charm can help repair most of the relationship. Spouse can be quite moody and unreasonable on certain days. Those days require Sagittarian individuals to remain calm and composed.

Ofcourse there are positives also in the Geminian spouse. Spouse is calculative, shrewd and practical which is great for finances. Spouse is smart and articulate which helps build better rapport with friends, family and social contacts. Spouse can be extremely helpful in business endeavors of Sagittarians. Sagittarius natives are kind and charitable and many people take undue advantage of their good nature. Spouse defined by Mercury would protect natives from such selfish individuals. Geminian spouse add love and laughter which helps the Sagittarians deal better with stress and problems.

Divorce Less Likely

Sagittarius ascendants generally resist divorce and are more than happy to be remain the accomodating types in marriage. Sagittarian individuals only seek divorce in case of an overtly critical and condescending spouse.

Just Rough Idea

A rough idea is possible about potential lovers and life partner by studying the ruling signs. Planets and aspects also have a say and above mentioned description may not fit the lovers and spouse.


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