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What is Chapa Yoga?

     Chapa Yoga comes under category of Nabhasha Yogas and is mentioned in B.V. Raman's 300 Important Combinations. Nabasha Yogas are described in other old astrological texts like Brihat Jataka and Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra(BPHS).

     Term Chapa in Sanskrit means a bow. This yoga would probably show planets in bow shaped both in North Indian and South Indian style horoscopes. That is is why the name.

Note: There is already another yoga by same name: Chapa Yoga mentioned in B. V. Raman's book.

How is Chapa Yoga formed?

     Chapa Yoga is a very simple yoga formed when seven planets including Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are placed in continuous houses between tenth house to fourth house.

     Since B. V. Raman's mentions seven planets so we have to assume that two shadow planets namely Rahu and Ketu are not taken into consideration. This yoga although rare can happen almost every year. Having said that chances of Malika Yoga are more in horoscope as it does not start from tenth house like Chapa Yoga.

Examples Of Chapa Yoga
Results of Chapa Yoga

     According to B. V. Raman one with Chapa Yoga would be brave and happy in first and last periods of life.

Remarks on Chapa Yoga

     Chapa Yoga is similar to Malika Yoga. Only difference is Chapa Yoga has to occur between tenth house and fourth house while Malika Yoga can occur from any house. If Rahu and Ketu are also in tenth house and fourth house than there will also be an intense Kaal Sarp Yoga formed along with Chapa Yoga and Malika Yoga.

     In horoscope first house represents childhood, tenth house represents youth, seventh house represents middle age while fourth house represents old age. Ideally a native with two or three malefics in either of the quadrant houses will have a tough life in that phase of life irrelevant of strength of horoscope. So above condition of happy life will not be fulfilled even if there is Chapa Yoga happening in horoscope.

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