Astro Isha

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Daily Fortune using Navtara
Daily Fortune using Tithi
  • Current Tithi: Chaturdashi
  • Paksha: Shukla
  • Tithi Type: Rikta
  • Chaturdashi is the fourteenth tithi. Goddess Kali rules this tithi. All auspicious activities should be avoided on this tithi unless absolutely necessary. Goddess Kali is associated with dark arts, mysticism and destruction. Chaturdashi is ideal for body detox as well as removing negativity and resentment from life. Those wanting to learn about dark arts, mysticism and occults should commence learning on this tithi. Scientists, researchers, healers and those seeking knowledge of black hole, dark matter and other mysterious concepts can achieve breakthroughs in their fields on this tithi.

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Views: 11612

     Eleventh house is known as labh bhava in vedic astrology. Also known as house of gains, eleventh house looks after friendship, elder brothers, network contancts at market place, social progress, oppurtunities for economic growth, gains and profits from market place. The natural lord for eleventh house is Jupiter. Eleventh house determines the income for an individual. If the eleventh house and lord of eleventh house are in good condition then income of an individ...

Category: 12 Houses

Views: 12707

     Tenth house is the house of career and father. Popularly known as karma bhava in vedic astrology. Sun is the natural lord of tenth house but in some text Saturn is considered as lord for tenth house. It is the house which defines your career and public reputation. Most important of all it defines your purpose in life which when attained can satisfy your birth as a  human. Every human being is sent with a specific purpose which would...

Category: 12 Houses

Views: 12531

     Ninth house is the house of fortune. Also known as bhagya sthana in vedic astrology, ninth house has influence over matters of religion, higher education, long distance travels, divination, philosophy and mysticism. Ninth house is the place where spirit takes over the mind and all the negativity and depression of life is replaced by optimism and broad mindedness. Ninth house encourages a person to find true meaning of life and venture in...

Category: 12 Houses

Views: 16000

     Eight house is also called the house of death and divorce. Its called mrityu sthana(death house) in vedic astrology. It has authority over death, inheritance, secrets, illicit relations, in-laws, hidden wealth and taxation. Eight house is the house of closely guarded secrets, personal desires, immoral acts and hidden wealth which are never meant to revealed to the public. Eight house also deals with lower intestine, anus and testicl...

Category: 12 Houses

Views: 14597

     The most sought after question in astrology is about marriage especially by first timers taking the plunge. Seventh house is practically the most popular house among the twelve houses as it rules over marriage and defines the marriage partner. Seventh house also looks after business, business partnerships, travels and legal cases. While the accurate details of your...

Category: 12 Houses

Views: 10824

     Sixth house is also called house of enemies and debts. No matter how rich or influential a person becomes as long as there is sickness and enemies in his/her life he/she cannot enjoy peace and happiness. A sick person can be surrounded by heavenly angels, given elixir and nectar and provided with all the comforts and luxuries which money can afford yet when there is sickness and diseases there is no way he/she would enjoy them. From an astrologers perspective six...

Category: 12 Houses

Views: 11708

     Fifth house is the house of romance, fame and instant fortune. Along with the ninth house and twelfth house it is a sure shot guarantee that you would lead a materialistic and pleasurable life. It controls fame, politics, theatre, gambling, knowledge, children and romance. The significator for fifth house is Jupiter in vedic astrology.      Fifth house is one of the ...

Category: 12 Houses

Views: 12013

     One of the most important houses in a horoscope, the fourth house provides abundance of love and caring. It is the house of mother, heart, happiness and everything that makes us feel blessed to be alive. It is also a significator for homeland and childhood surroundings. Everything else is secondary to a child compared to the unrequited love showered by a mother. A mother is the epitome of selfless love, more holier than God, more pure than ether and more precious...

Category: 12 Houses

Views: 18261

     Third house is the house of communication and siblings. A few years ago most of the astrologers were skeptical about third house as they did not consider it worth the time. But with age of social and professional networking over us this so-called insignificant house has gained a good deal of popularity. Ofcourse third house is a lot more then PR machinery. It defines you analytical mind, your intelligence, your ability to communicate with others but perhaps most...

Category: 12 Houses

Views: 10779

     Second house is a good place to start for those who believe that money is everything. In a nutshell second house deals with savings, speech & family. It is also called dhana sthana or house of possessions. Matters of money are one of the more frequently asked questions to astrologers along with marriage and career. Many people want to know how much they are going to e...

Category: 12 Houses