- Current Tithi: Amavasya
- Paksha: Krishna
- Tithi Type: Poorna
Amavasya is the fifteenth tithi of the Krishna Paksha. Amavasya tithi happens when Moon the signficator of mind and Sun the significator of soul are close together. Amavasya is often considered inauspicious for starting any major activity like business, new job or house entering unless absolutely essential. Amavasya is ruled by Pitru Devas or ancestors. As such its an ideal tithi to remember one's ancestors, engage in religious activities and perform charity. Natives with anger issues, depression and mood disorders can see their conditions worsen on this tithi. As such some care and precaution are advised for them.

- Date: 08th September 2025
- Type : Total
- Visible In Your Location: Total Eclipse
- Max Eclipse Time: 12:09:00 am

- Date: 29th March 2025
- Type : Partial
- Visible In Your Location: No
- Max Eclipse Time: 03:45:00 pm
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